Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Good afternoon COS-PE:
The finish line is VERY close for the first semester. We want you to all finish strong.
Just a few reminders:
Tonight (Wenesday 1-13) we are available from 8-10 for questions.
To make sure everyone is on the same page: PE will be graded as a Pass or Fail class.
Please make sure that everything is turned in by January 20th. The semester will be complete on the day!!!
Have a great day!Mr. Cooper & Mr. Mort

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My First Rose Bowl Experience!! WOW, it was awesome! Me & my Dad!
WE only have a few weeks until the end of the semester. You can do this!
Remember.....It is not always how you start, but it is more important how you finish!
Finish strong!