Monday, August 31, 2009


Good morning COS-PE. I hope you first week went well. Keeping plugging along and everything will be just fine. Think Big Picutre!!!
A couple of reminders.....
1. Your first 4 assignments were due last night by midnight. We are missing several assignments. Thank you to those who finished all four on time!!!
2. Please remember that everyassignment needs to be saved and labeled the exact same way EVERYTIME! (9.01_MikeCooper) Out of all of the assignements that I graded last night 5 were labeled how we asked. Please label & save them correctly.
3. Remember to log into every class, everyday by noon! Check Mr. Cooper's and Mr. Mort's blog everyday. And lastly check the forums and discussion in the moodle each day!
Have a great week. I know it takes some time to get used to somehting new! You are awesome & we will get things going, together, in the same direction!!!
Mr. Cooper

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Good Morning COs-PE students:
Thank you for all that participated in our 1st Windows live chat last night! Unfortunately, we only had @ 13 out of 50 or so total students that participated last night. We want all of you to at least check in chat for a few minutes, ask a few questions each Wednesday night between 8-10. We will continue to update you through our blogs and e-mail. Please check in everyday to view updates & info.
Keep Exercising and continue to turn in your great assignments!
Mr. Cooper & Mr. Mort

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 3- Aug. 26th!

Good day COS-PE students! Please make sure to log on each day by noon! We are checking daily. Please add Mr. Mort & Mr. Cooper to your Windows live so that we can connect from 8-10 tonight for our weekly class session. Also, please register on our blogs so that we will be better able to communicate with all of you! Talk with you tonight! Have a great day!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Day 1 is finally here!!! Please make sure to log in everyday before noon! Also, please log onto & register on our blogs!
Have fun & ask as many questions as possible! Have a great week!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Naming/Labeling Assignments-REMINDERS

COS PE Students: Good morning! Just a quick reminder......
Please remember when you start turning in assignments for PE, to put the
module number, underscore, your first & last name
(9.01_mikecooper) EXAMPLE!
This will keep things in order for you and us. Also, make a separate PE folder on your desktop to keep you oragnized. Finally, please keep a copy of everything that you turn in! We look forward to working with all of you this year!!!
Mr. Cooper & Mr. Mort

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Clovis On-line P.E. begins August 24th!!!! Are you ready??? Here is the link to log in: My office hours & time to connect will be Wednesdays from 8:00-10:00 p.m. Feel free e-mailing me at or calling me on Google voice 559-834-8199. I forward to a working & learning with you this year!