Monday, August 31, 2009


Good morning COS-PE. I hope you first week went well. Keeping plugging along and everything will be just fine. Think Big Picutre!!!
A couple of reminders.....
1. Your first 4 assignments were due last night by midnight. We are missing several assignments. Thank you to those who finished all four on time!!!
2. Please remember that everyassignment needs to be saved and labeled the exact same way EVERYTIME! (9.01_MikeCooper) Out of all of the assignements that I graded last night 5 were labeled how we asked. Please label & save them correctly.
3. Remember to log into every class, everyday by noon! Check Mr. Cooper's and Mr. Mort's blog everyday. And lastly check the forums and discussion in the moodle each day!
Have a great week. I know it takes some time to get used to somehting new! You are awesome & we will get things going, together, in the same direction!!!
Mr. Cooper

1 comment:

  1. I am having trouble uploading 1.04. I finally was able to scan the assessment on to my document and now it says it's too big to upload. What should I do?
